loc. Refavaie - Caoria- alto Vanoi comune di Pieve Tesino cap 38050 (TN) ITALY |
For technical motives to send the bookings to the fax and tel
+39 439 710009
Good Navigation in our site!!!
E 11.62322' N 46.21615' For technical motives to send the bookings to the fax and tel. +39 439 710009 |
With their quotas
what they vary around the 2500 ms on the sea, these mountains...>>>
Franzi Vitlacil
- Vanoi
- Soccorso Alpino
- Trentino Rifugi
Ecomuseo - Gruppo
Alpini Caoria
Lagorai / Magico Veneto
- Itinerari
- Itinerari MTB
- Parco Naturale Paneveggio
- Lagorai A.P.T.
- A.P.T. Primiero e
- BikeMagazin.de
Meteo Ansa
- Meteo Arabba
Sito creato 15/05/2007
Aggiornato 28/05/2012
loc. Refavaie - Caoria- alto Vanoi comune di Pieve Tesino cap 38050 (TN) ITALY |
For technical motives to send the bookings to the fax and tel
+39 439 710009
Good Navigation in our site!!!